I am flying to Melbourne today on a Qantas aeroplane. Melbourne is the capital of the State of Victoria. In common with everyone I know who lives in Sydney, I love Melbourne and take every chance to go there. Yet according to the media, there exists a bitter, ineluctible rivalry between the two cities. What gives?
[thanks to Stan Orbit, certified genius, for correcting my spelling.]
Hello Cissy, just arrived at your site. I love it. Looking forward to more photos and notes.
Welcome pil. Thanks for the love. It certainly is a good way to eat time, this blogging palaver.
It occurred to me recently that the difference between Melbourne and Sydney is the same as the difference between the clichéd blonde and brunette: Sydney is tanned and extroverted and giggles a lot, Melbourne is dark and sultry and inclined to cynicism. Each is beautiful, in its own indelible way.
I'm no dyslexic but I read Anaglyph's comment and saw 'inedible.'
You can't eat beauty. Sad but true. Ineluctible, somewhat.
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