Mama pademelon

Baby pademelon

Far away pademelon.

Close up pademelon.

Another pademelon.

Watch out for the car, pademelons!

Good-bye pademelon.
And some really really good news. Cedric the Tasmanian Devil has been injected with DFTD cells and his system has responded by producing antibodies. Read about it here.
Yay for Cedric! He's my favortive.
Cedric is my favortive too.
Thank goodness for Cedric's antibodies!
I would like to see Cash interact w/those animals. It would be interesting to say the least.
Go Cedric!
And what cute paddymelons! They're like miniature kangaroo-squirrels.
Oops, I forgot- I tagged you for Malach's Meme. More details at my place.
Wow, that is like an overweight North American Squirrel mixed with a Kangaroo
"Pademelon" doesn't roll off the tongue like "wombat" but they are so cute!
Maybe my fantasy football team next year will be "The Pulverizing Pademelons" instead of "Killer Wombats".
hereT: Once again, Nature comes to save the day after we have royally screwed things up.
A.Man: I'd like to see the expression on Cash's face if Mama pademelon popped her in her pouch. Ouch!
colonel: My attitude to memes is on record. However, I will graciously consider acquiescing to your request.
malach: They are sweet and plentiful. It's lucky that they are plentiful as their road sense leaves a lot to be desired.
chickie: I think they could only pulverise you with cute. The killer wombats, though, could live up to their name. Their burrow defense consists of flattening themselves in the corridor, then when the predator runs over their backs, they stand up hard & fast. Squa-splatt-o predator.
Tsk. You forgot to tell them all about Flesh Eating Vampire Pademelon.
The first thing I thought when I saw the pics, before reading was, What. The. Hell. Is. That.
anaglyph: Everything in the Australian bush kills you. Or sucks your blood. Or eats your flesh.
As Zoe says in Firefly, "They will rape you to death, skin you and eat your flesh. And if you are really lucky, they will do it in that order."
simply curious: Now you know - it's a pademelon!
I just want to hug the pademelon ... I'd pay money to hear you say it! I couldn't be happier for Cedric ... "transmissible cancer"??
sara sue: Yes, there are only three transmissible cancers known. DFTD is one of them.
Ignore this. I just came by because 1) they are ridiculously cute (even the vampire one); and 2) I love the word "pademelon". Pademelon, pademelon, pademelon!
hereT: Yes, even got up as a blood sucking vampire, a pademelon is adorable.
I wanna see a pademelon vs squirrels death match!
And the Zoe quote! I just watched that episode yesterday! (I've been recuperating and watching lots and lots of videos the last few days.)
pheebs: I want to be Zoe. I love it when Wash is calling her on the comms during a fight & she says "Not now, dear." And do we even need to say she is gorgeous?
Good vibrations for your recuperation.
I love FireFly! Why do the TVGods hate all of the good shows?
cuntie, it was so good. Fun, sexy, clever - about something. I loved the use of language - both the Mandarin & the new uses for English words. I loved that there were no aliens, just humans fucking up the Universe now that Earth-That-Was has been destroyed. The characters were fantastic.
I'll always remember this: "When you can't walk, you crawl, and when you can't crawl - when you can't do that - find someone to carry you."
What in the hell is that thing? I can't decide if I should kill it or bring it in to my Revolution.
cash: Remember, the quality of mercy is not strained. Spare the pademelons, and they will repay you tenfold. They may be useful in your revolution in ways we cannot even imagine now. Anyway, you can always kill them later.
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