I was walking down my spiral staircase ...

... thinking about my latest invention, a whistling dildo, and wondering why ...

... it seemed so attractive to Scientologists ...

... and clowns, when suddenly ...

... I tripped over that little piece that you always have left over after making something from Ikea.
Wow! Mine don't fit together like this! (They'll be up in 8 hours) Nicely done, Strutt!
A lot of 'scary' in your story, what with a spiral staircase, John Travolta and clowns...
But what fun!
sara sue: I can't wait to see yours.
anaglyph: I find the left-over Ikea piece the scariest of all.
ooo, my story would include a lady of considerable chesty assets, a gospel singer and the Temple of Mercury in Turkey. hmmmm
I'm still working on mine.
A whistling dildo? Damn, all my best ideas are already taken.
pil: I'd be happy to host your story for you.
colonel: I know you've got more lurid ideas tucked away in that brain of yours.
I am doing my next blogspiracy of "Cissy Strutt: Behind the Hand"
Brilliant, cissy!
But . . . when did you change your name to Julie Brown? Nice picture, though.
malach: You might need to plan for a three part exposé.
hereT: Yes, my life is rather strange. Glad to be sharing it with you guys.
catalyst: False name, real hair.
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