Thursday, July 19, 2007

ancient beefcake (for PhoebeFay)

This is part of the Pergamon Altar built in the 2nd century before the Common Era. So even way back then, they liked perving at nice bums. This picture should keep you all occupied while I am away in Townsville in Far North Queensland for the next few days.

Some museums keep their star attraction as far from the entrance as possible, so that you pass through many galleries to get there. At the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, I was completely unprepared to walk through the front door immediately into the room which houses the Altar. The force of this astonishing work is such that we were grateful for the stone benches, as our knees were literally (yes, anaglyph, literally) buckling. My companion this day was Barbie, who was enjoying Cissy's Marvelous Berlin-In-Four-Days tour. She had always wanted to see the Ishtar Gate, another piece of the Pergamon's extraordinary loot.


Forrest Proper said...

I saw Ishtar, and dated Barbie.

This looks nothing like either.

Well, ok, the stone-cold bit is a little reminiscent of Barbie, but never mind...

Cissy Strutt said...

Not the same Barbie, clearly. My friend Barbie is a firecracker - she's hot hot hot.

The Ishtar Gate is rather wonderful to see, but almost as phony as the film Ishtar. When they 'reconstructed' it from bits in the 1930s, it didn't fit into the room they had assigned for it. So the recontructers just cut bits off & moved bits around to make it fit. To the museum's credit, all this info is freely available while you are looking at the Gate.

Sara Sue said...

Talk about rock hard buns! Here's to Phoebe for inspiring this post!

Have a great time! You'll be missed!

Phoebe Fay said...

Thank you. What a wonderful thing to post. And yes, those ancients have some very nice buns!

here today, gone tomorrow said...

Consider me, er, occupied.

Joey Polanski said...

Some sculptrs been puttin his chisl in a really impropr place.

Sara Sue said...

Where you at girl?? I'm tired of looking at this butt ... got another one?

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