One of the great things about hanging out with kids is making them laugh at stupid jokes from your own childhood. Laughing at the jokes yourself is a whole other thing. Here is Little Victory at the Townsville aquarium, contemplating the age-old question: Why did the lobster blush?
And finding the all-too-true answer: Because the sea weed.
I don't get it . . .
Not a bad joke! I'll pass it on to my friend's four year old. He thinks he's a pirate and he's constantly telling this jewel, "You know why I can't go see the pirate movie? Because it's rated ahhhRR."
Th more pressin question is How can you TELL when a lopsters blushin?
malach: ... then you've never been in a pool full of children ...
sara sue: Whatever you do, don't tell him the Buccaneers joke.
joey: Radiant heat.
De Pope has been in a pool of Children . .. LET THE CHILDREN COME TO ME! Yes, Yes.
Ratsy: What lies at the bottom of the ocean and shakes?
A nervous wreck.
I used to love to get bubble gum, just for the stupid jokes they would put on the wrappers. I never actually liked the taste of bubble gum, just the wrappers.
What's a ghost's favorite fruit? Booberry!
Q. How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A. Fish!
pheebs: ho ho
jedimac: hehe
everyone: what goes Ha Ha Bonk? A man laughing his head off.
I love kids. They're strange, innocent, & stupid. That's why I get along with them.
That's why I never swim in the ocean- it's a giant fish toilet.
When playwright Arthur Miller was married to Marilyn Monroe, he took her over to his mom's house for dinner. Mrs. Miller had spent the entire day cooking, and the first course, as in many Jewish American households, was matzoh ball soup.
When she had finished Marilyn put down her spoon and said-
"That was delicious Mrs. Miller, but tell me -are any other parts of the matzoh edible?"
hmmm. on 2nd thought, maybe you'd better not tell that to a 4 year old.
c.rag: They must have fun pronouncing your full name.
colonel: Yeah, that blonde was really dumb, wasn't she? These days, instead of sleeping with the president, she could be the president. Oh, except that she was a woman. Hmmm ... I'm gonna have to think that through again.
Believe it or not that is the first time I have heard that joke.
PrePon: Did you laugh?
ok, I have to admit, that was a completely different take on the joke, and one I respect. It was not meant as a "dumb blond", or anti-feminist joke. My apologies, that was not what I meant to convey. It is, in fact, one of my wife's favorite jokes, and is meant as a "dumb goyim" joke. As a dumb goyim myself, I laughed at it. If there was ever an example of Goyim, it was Marilyn, and many of the rest of us. From that perspective, because we dumb goyim outnumber my wife's Jewish community by about 60,000-to-1, it does not seem to be poking fun at anyone who could be hurt by it.
But that makes me think. Things can be taken in different ways. I know that, but sometimes I fail to consider it.
I continue to learn.
I laughed! Yeah!!!!
colonel colonel: my dear man! If I didn't detest these - ;) - I wouldda putten one after my comment! I adore blonde jokes.
I'm sure so did Matilyn - she played those broads to pefection. Remember her in Some Like It Hot where she likes men in glasses cause they have weak eyes from reading those tiny little columns of stock prices.
I also love How To Marry A Millionaire - all the broads in that are fab.
Q: Why did God invent the goyim?
A: Somebody has to buy retail.
hereTgoneT: You have good taste.
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