Now that I have finished my film role, I can cut my hair. I've had to let it grow all these months - a little thing called continuity. But I don't know what to do with it. Has any woman ever said "I don't know what to do with my hair" before this? I wonder.
When I was a girl, I had long red hair down to my bum. As a grown-up I've had - long hair, short hair, shoulder length, several bobs including one 'shattered', Flock-of-Seagulls hair, perms (both body & root), a number 3, an asymetrical razor cut, a shag, plaits, Culture Club hair, a mohawk, a Vidal Sassoon, ponies high & low, braided extensions, seldom a fringe, and never a Farrah, a Diana, or a Jennifer (but I am considering an Aggy.) My dos have included, but not been limited to, french rolls, bouffants, messy day tease mad-woman hair, serious backcombing, crimping, curlering and enough product to float Queen Mary (the queen, not the ship).
And by the way, when am I going to get my first white hair? Every other woman I know dyes their hair (except the Gucci Mama - her blonde hair is turning an elegant silver).
Is it that I have had every hairstyle in the known universe and there's nothing left to try?
What oh what am I going to do with my hair?
I am jealous, I wish I had more, I don't look like Jason Statham for nuthing
You could get a Manny.
Got any pics of you with long red hair down to your bum?
malach: I'd share, but it doesn't work that way.
colonel: Thanks for the tip. (I'll look out a photo.)
Some redheads/strawberry blondes tend not to turn gray. Their hair turns a little more sandy.
My Ma is 64 & doesn't have any gray. My Great Grandmothers were both redheads & their hair didn't turn gray either.
Yes, dear cuntie. My mother had some white sprinkled through her hair by the end (she was 72 when she died), but it was hardly noticable. I guess we need some reward for burning in the sun - apart from having the Hair Colour of the Gods, that is.
You had your hair Shatnered? I can hardly tell it's a toupee.
William Shatner is a Giant among men.
sistah sue: Believe it. In fact, I've got it in the Rose Tattoo video clip of Born To Be Wild that I'm in. I've been searching Youtube - it must be the only piece of film known to man not on youtube yet.
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