Saturday, March 1, 2008

back from Melbourne, off to Adelaide

Look, the branch is in focus, what more do you want. Birdies are hard to shoot 'cause they hop around. Not like flars, which just sit there.


Phoebe Fay said...

Ooooh. That flar down thar looks to be doing more than sitting. It's *bursting*!

Off to Adelaide seems fun to say. If I were going to Adelaide, I would be constantly saying "I'm off to Adelaide!" with a lilt in my voice and a little lift to my chin and a modest flourish of my fingers.

Chickie said...

The flar is lovely but looks like it would sting you!

Cissy Strutt said...

pheebs; Michaelangelo Optica likes saying "Have you been to Adelaide lately?" He likes it so much, he sometimes just says "Adelaide lately" and laughs quietly to himself.

chickie: The flowering wattle is beautiful, and has just a short season. The bees go mad on it, they love it so much. So the flar won't sting you, but you might disturb a bee.

Forrest Proper said...

EEKKK! Which one is the bird?

Phoebe Fay said...

I quite agree with M.O. In fact, I'm racking my brain trying to come up with an excuse to use "Adelaide lately?" in daily conversation.

Cissy Strutt said...

chickie: It's actually flowering gum, not wattle. I went a bit vague there for a sec.

colonel: It's coming right for us!!

pheevs: Good luck with that.

Mike said...

Purdy Flar.

FreeOscar said...

I agree w/Chickie. It looks dangerous but beautiful.

Atlas Cerise said...

That's not a flower, it's C.Rag's crotch.

Atlas Cerise said...

That's not a flower, it's C.Rag's crotch.

AngryMan said...

The flower's not diseased, so it can't be her crotch.

FreeOscar said...

Oh so that's why it burns when I pee.