Tuesday, March 10, 2009

by Hawking's chair!

Well I know you are longing to hear how it went. Monsters vs Aliens in 3D is a tour de force, nothing short of sheer brilliance technically, and a fun story to boot. The female lead character's neck is perilously slim (how does it support the weight of those huge eyes?) but I loved it from start to finish. Gone are the clumsy cardboard-with-red-and-green-lenses 3D glasses. As you can see on our model, Kai the Ghost Dingo, we wore stylish nerd-tastic frames. Go at a time when kids will be in the cinema, and sit at least halfway back. Part of the fun is watching them reach up to try and catch balls, leaves and other objects floating just in front of their eyes.

Star spotting: I saw, but did not get to declare my love to, Seth Rogan. However, I was thrilled to say "Not my gumdrop buttons" to Conrad Vernon. He smiled shyly and said "Aw thanks". Jeffrey Katzenberg is short.

Lipstick update: Russian Red was a smash hit, Friday it was Wanton by Benefit, ditto Saturday, Sunday's lips featured Ladybug by Mac, and back to Wanton for Monday.


AngryMan said...

Did you leave any of the lipstick in an inappropriate place?

Chickie said...

The boys saw the preview for that movie and it is now on our to-do list.

Malach the Merciless said...

Go see the Watchmen!

Cissy Strutt said...

A.Man: You know it.

Chickie: You'll all love it.

Malach: I will.

anaglyph said...

Jeffrey Katzenberg is also rich. Thus, 'short' is immaterial.

(Oh, and for christ's sake Malach. Get something right. It's 'Watchmen' not 'THE Watchmen.')

Cissy Strutt said...

anaglyph: Say yeah! That's why the ladies love Bob Balaban. (Actually, with him, money is immaterial. Sigh.)

Atlas Cerise said...

Seth Rogan always makes me laugh in Superbad. I love that movie. How would you compare MvA to a Pixar film? I think Pixar is usually better than Dreamworks.

Cissy Strutt said...

Atlas: It's 3D. You get to wear cool Seth Rogan-style glasses. You'll love it.

AngryMan said...

Well, where? You can't leave us hanging like that!!!

Sara Sue said...

It's almost as if Mr. AngryLawyerMan doesn't like being left "hanging", odd.

I hung on every word of your adventure to red carpet land! I can't wait to see this film!! I might even venture to the big city to experience it at i-Max. Please tell me it will be in i-Max theaters!

I saw Watchmen Friday and loved it! I was never much into comic books but I'm sure loving the movies they are making around them!

May we have seven shades of red lipstick in photos? Please?

Sara Sue said...

Kai the Ghost Dingo??

Cissy Strutt said...

A.Man: I feel your pain

Sistah Sue: I'll look forward to Watchmen. And I'm considering all pleas for lipstick pix. Hmmm ...

Cissy Strutt said...

... and Kai is a Dingo on land and a freshwater crocodile in the water.

Anonymous said...

Can we see more of Kai?

Cissy Strutt said...

Pil: Kai is a show-off, so I can almost guarantee it. He might be showing up at dinner one time.

Anonymous said...