Monday, January 18, 2010

happy bloggoday to me

It has been three years since I started this palaver. Thanks for hanging out, you guys.

And because I know you want it, here, finally, is a full length photograph of me.



Joey Polanski said...


Anonymous said...

happy blogday!
with love from your friendly lurker.
ps. i've got brown hair, am 5'5, and live by
the sydney.

Cissy Strutt said...

joey: you make me melt

lurker: I know your shoe size, too

Malach the Merciless said...

You had me at "Palaver"

anaglyph said...

Full length AND nekkid!

anaglyph said...

Happy bloggoday btw!

Cissy Strutt said...

malach: awwww

anaglyph: I'm wearing my best fir!

Chickie said...

What cute pointed ears you have!

Atlas Cerise said...

Seems like you got snow tits in that photo. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find em.

Cissy Strutt said...

chickie: All the better to hear you with

atlas: All the better to smother you with

Mike said...

I knew you were pretty cool, but I had no idea you were that cool.

Cissy Strutt said...

mike, don't make me blush, I'll melt