Prompted by JR's pedantry over at Tetherd Cow Ahead, I present you with the Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp, one of several species named for my father. (The latin name, dear readers. I don't want you getting the idea dad was Mister Pistol Shrimp. [That's Doctor Pistol Shrimp, to you.] Though that would have been cool, no?)
Of course, being a research scientist, a marine biologist by trade, it is not uncommon to have a species named after you. But Dad is the envy of his gang in that he has a Genus named after him too. Go Dad. Dead three years come October 9th, but alive in taxonomy.
Next up in the series: the Stout-Legged Wren - extinct, but on a stamp.
Dad rocks!
Wow. Very cool. I bet they don't taste minty though.
malach: He does indeed.
chickie: I know you want a brooch just like it.
Oh dear. I think I always addressed him as 'you old prawn banger'...
anaglyph: Doctor Prawn Banger, surely?
That's pretty cool!
Random question --
I got in touch w/an old Australian friend of mine and we started talking about the time her old American boyfriend took her to Outback Steakhouse (no rules, just right!) to see what she thought of it. Apparently, she left the restaurant crying.
Question -- Have you ever been to an Outback Steakhouse? If so, what did you think of it?
Angry: I never have, but the reverend has.
I see you are listening to S&C. Thank you! I think you must be the only one. I got my royalty statement yesterday. $12.
Robert Plant has a entire kingdom namd aftr im.
And he aint evn a marine biologist.
Or a king, fer that mattr.
Far as I know, anyway.
anaglyph: I feel you. Last year, I had an APRA payment that was under $1.
joey: And as far as you know, is he your father?
It's just gorgeous! What an honor for your dad. I, of course was named after the Stout-Legged Wren :)
sista: Yes, you are a great bird. But you are by no means extinct.
To have shrimp & candy named after you is damn cool.
Now you just need to create a cocktail & name it after him & he'll have the holy trinity.
Oh what a great idea, Miss Rag. I'll set about it immediately. There will be lots of taste-testing required. A hard job, but I'm up to it I think. For the greater good.
I can totally picture that as a nicely enameled pin.
Time to fire up the bar-b!
colonel: It's all this firing up the barby that makes for Global Warmy. That's #63 on W's list.
But, but but...we have beer. Surely cold beer counteracts Global Warmy.
Of course, colonel. Global Coldy, courtesy of beer. yumm yum
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