This is for mike, who apparently needs healing boob energy to recover from the delivery of his kid-ney. And the boobs need to be bare, apparently.
This is for angryginger, who told me she loves swimming nude. (Yes, 'she' - we all start as girls, and ag is very new).
This is for our dear lost sara sue, who once posted a lovely photo of herself as a naked 18 year old. I found it quite moving. This is me as a naked 18 year old, sistergirl.
This is for my pal Kate gone these four years, who loved saying "Tits oot for the lads" in an appalling Novocastrian accent, though she was famed for her own modesty.
This is for Phoebe Fay, whose eloquent musings on gravity and breasts made me feel close to her.
This is a photo of me "a whole girl ago" as Nuala Fury would say. Thirty years later and I got here okay, though, like mike, there may be some bits missing. It's been a great ride. I wouldn't have missed it for quids. So this is for me, too.
And for the rest of you? Oh, all right. A photo of me in a bikini.

A photo of me in a bikini
Tease, tease, tease, tease...
Although the first photo is quite nice!
I was going to post a photo of meeself in a bikini, but it has been outlawed as "cruel and unusual" by the Geneva Authorities...
Wow, sexy! Grass Skirt too!
WHAT A HOTTIE!! Thank you for the lovely boobies ... I will treasure them always!
A diamond nipple salute from one internet nudie to another!
P.S. Nice to be lost but not forgotten! Thanks for thinking of me! ((((HUGS))))
Dang Blogger locked out my old account ... that last comment and this one are from me ... SaraSue!!
So beautiful, Cissy.
I'd bee cautious about posting that young pic of you. People w/the FLDS might start coming around!
18 year old Cissy - Hot! Mike will heal times faster.
Little girl Cissy - Cute!
colonel: Do it! Do it!
malach: Get in a grass skirt now. And post the pics.
sara sue: That's all it takes to get you to pop up? Nude boobies? Nice.
hereT: Thanks missus.
A.Man: If they brought magic underwear with them, I might be tempted.
cuntie: It's up to you to keep the ginger genes flowing.
I also like boobs.
So you have two of my favorite things up.
I wonder what Miss K would have made of all this internets kerfoofle? How much do we miss her?
ag: There are boobs in this world, so many boobs. You will enjoy it once you are out. But stay inside safe til you are a bit bigger, please.
anaglyph: A lot. I wish she was still here.
Very pretty. You look like a statue in the first one. I so wanted a grass skirt when I was a kid but never had one!
chickie: You must buy a grass skirt for your inner kid, and let your outer adult wear it.
So beautiful that I am totally and complete cured.
Okay, maybe not completely cured, but I am totally grateful.
Thank you Cissy.
you're very welcome, mike.
Hot Damn! Since everyone is posting their boobs, I say Mike should have the other kidney taken out!
You're gorgeous!
Thanks, sisterlady. We miss you around these parts. You know the parts I mean.
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