There is a scary-looking homeless man who hangs out near the steps to my building. He has a very rough face and tattoos on the palms of his hands. I decided I didn't want to be scared every time I had to pass him, so one day I stopped to talk to him. His name is Vince & he's not even slightly scary. He says "Shout me a drink love?" and I give him coins if I have them. Once, when I hadn't see him for a while, I asked him where he'd been. "Did you miss me love?" he asked. I have often told friends what a gentleman he is as he always stands up when we talk. This morning, when I stopped to say hello & give him some change, I had a realisation. He stands up to put the coins in his pocket.
But still, it seems rather gentlemanly.
I bet you make his day.
I like that he asks for money for a drink. It makes the transaction so straightforward.
I love that he asked if you missed him! I'm SURE you make his day.
Reaching out to other people is what keeps us all sane, whichever side of the coin your standing behind.
Ummm ...
Tattoos on th palms o his hands?
Stigmata, prhaps?
sara sue: I think he's got a few "girlfriends" around.
colonel: We're all people, after all. (Certainly, most of us are. You and me anyway. Well, I am.)
joey: I never considered Vince might be blessed of the Lord. Looks more like blessed by the penal system, I'm afraid.
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